Tuesday, July 03, 2007
  The most dirty business
Partner: hey buddy, whats up?
I: Nothing, just usual. How you doin'?
Partner: Rocking .. as usual.. ha ha.
I: Hmm
Partner: I have a curiosity question for you.
I: shoot.
Partner: In your opinion, which is the most dirty business in the world?
I: dirty? in what sense? running brothel?
Partner: wrong.
I: then?
Partner: Politics. My dear friend, politics is by far the the dirtiest business ever existed upon this earth. It is also the most pretentious profession that enjoys the top position with highest words to reality ratio.
I: which ratio?
Partner: Words-to-reality ratio. Words is what people say they do and reality is what they actually do.
I: Hmm! Just a small oversight on your part. Politics not a business,nor a profession.
Partner: That's another big stink these politicians make - they are public servants.
I: What leads you to dig out this topic? Who pissed you off?
Partner: American elections - the drama of elections in the most powerful democracy of the world.
I: Well, I thought America is one of most successful functioning democracies in the world.
Partner: It's all business honey. America is good at selling brand America. If you take a close look at these election campaigns, you'd realize the elections are not for electing a president, but for electing CEO of America.
I: hmm
Partner: Political party is subordinate and campaigns are run by presidential hopefuls and by their individual appeal. You got to raise money for you campaign - the one who raises good money for the party and is good at striking deals with industry and influential people in society has a good chance of getting nominated by the party. And half the battle is won when you get nominated. Because most of the time you already know which party is going to win the election - this time it's going to be democrats.
I: looks like you are tracking lot of election campaigns in America.
Partner: And look at this interesting side. When an incumbent president runs for another term, almost always he wins the elections. Why? Because of all the power that he derives being a president. Now when the same president completes his two terms, almost always his party loses in next election. Why? Because knowing that this is his last term, president tries to milk as much as he can and in the process shutting the doors for his party in next elections.
I: True.
Partner: I really don't think this presidential democracy is a good idea. It's a demi-autocratic system in which personal charisma and power of the leader dominates the scene.
I: You are educated in British way of education system my dear friend. This is you alma mater talking.
Partner: May be, but I just think that parliamentary democracy is much better. At least we are not as autocratic as an American democracy. Prime Minister has lot lesser powers as an individual than American president has and that's good.
I: May be you are right. But seems like autocracy rulez - so does China and so does America.


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