I: Hi Partner, How are you? Guess what! Yesterday, I had gone to Jagjit's concert.
Partner: The one for AIDS charity?
I: Yea.
Partner: Was it bad, worse or worst?
I: worst.
Partner: I thought so.
I: Why?
Partner: Charity events are like that my dear friend. The organizers think that they are doing something great by organizing such event for charity and so now they can be spared for not organizing it well. Entire approach to the event management is so casual and spectators are taken so much for granted that nothing ever falls in place. Everything is always a total mess.
I: Touche!
Partner: Dude, if you want to do charity, give donations. If you want to enjoy concerts, go for professionally organized concerts.
Don't ever try to kill two birds in one stone, both the birds will fly away and you will lose your stone.